I want a Kindle

I want a Kindle so bad, just think of all the room I will have left on my bookshelves. Decluttering and fitting all your books in your hand. How rockin would that be!  :)

Does anyone have one?  Do your eyes hurt when you read too long with it?  A lot of times my eyes hurt when I look at my cell phone too long, that is why I am asking.


  1. I got one for Vday and I love it! No your eyes wont hurt because it is not backlit. Almost daily you will find new FREE books and lots of games. So far I have 120 items and have only paid for about 20. Its truly the best, have you seen the lower priced option?

  2. What lower priced option? Tell me Smash Bravo I NEED to know. LOL

    After your discription I am very excited about getting one. Well it is on my wish list, I am not really getting one anytime soon.
